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The Steak is a Tier 6 Food, available in the Turtle Pack and the Puppy Pack. Feed a pet a Steak wil give that pet the Steak perk. The first time a pet with Steak perk attacks, it will deal an additional 20 damage.


Steak can be thought of as the inverse of Melon. While Melon is often the better, more flexible choice that can fit on almost any team since surviving longer will give the pet more chances to attack and activating their abilities. Steak instead fills the niche of eliminating the enemies faster and denying them from activating their abilities. Against pets that benefit from attacking multiple times such as Elephant or Snake combos, it's best to knock them out as soon as possible instead of trading over multiple strikes.

It's often great value to put Steak on pets with low stats that benefit little from the additional survivability that Garlic and Melon can provide. Additionally, since Turtle pack has a lot of scalers that give more health than attack, Steak can prove to be more useful than Melon when put on the lobsided 25/50 pets.




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