Chocolate Cake

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The Chocolate Cake is a Tier 2 Food, available in the Golden Pack. Feeding a pet a Chocolate Cake will give them the Chocolate Cake perk. A pet with the Chocolate Cake perk will, before attacking, gain +3 Experience and then faint.


The Chocolate Cake heavily benefits pets with strong Faint effects, and pets such as Flea, Nyala and so on will benefit greatly from it. It also lets them trigger their ability before activating the enemy's, like a Nurse Shark sniping the enemy Cobra before the Cobra can snipe a single target.


  • The classic Chocolate Cake has the sprite of a one yolk mooncake.
  • During Beta Testing for the Golden Pack, the Chocolate Cake's effect was "Give a pet +3 Experience then Faint it."
  • Another trial change for the Chocolate Cake read "Start of Battle --> Give a pet +3 Experience then Faint it." This allowed for niche synergies like Warthog in the back, where Sealion could buff its attack for Warthog to buff the entire team.



  • 0.24: The Chocolate Cake is added into the game as part of the Golden Pack.