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This is a list of Foods sorted by their tier and then by which pack(s) they appear in.

  • If a food cannot be purchased directly from the shop, its tier is listed under No Tier.
  • If a food as listed as summoned in a pack, it can be acquired, but is generated from a pet, rather than directly from the shop.
    • Foods that can only be obtained by a summon have their icon enclosed by ( )
    • ex. ( )
  • If a food is listed as in Custom Packs, this means it can only be acquired there or in Weekly packs, and is not part of a paid expansion. All foods that are not listed in No Tier are capable of being added to shop in Custom Packs packs, and same goes for in the Weekly pack - provided the required pets are available.

Keep in mind that the Pandoras Box Toy is capable of giving all friends (and enemies) any Food Perk from any pack but only Food perks that are capable of having in-battle influence.

Tier 1 Foods

Name Effect
Apple Give one pet +1 attack and +1 health.
  • Can also be gained by selling a Mouse
( )
Honey Give one pet the Honey Perk. Summon a 1/1 Bee after fainting.
Water of Youth Transform one pet into another from the same tier.
Love Potion Give one pet the Love Potion Love Potion Perk. Give nearest friend ahead +2 health before battle.
Egg Give one pet the Egg Perk. Deal 2 damage before attack, once.
Peach Give one pet +2 health.
Strawberry Give one pet the Strawberry Perk. Enables Strawberry abilities.
Bacon Give one pet +2 attack. ( )
Blueberry Give one pet the Blueberry Perk. Prioritize this for enemy random abilities.
Cookie Give one pet +2 attack and +2 health until end of battle.

Tier 2 Foods

Name Effect
Cupcake Give one pet +3 attack and +3 health until end of battle.
Meat Bone Give one pet the Meat Bone Perk. Attack with +3 damage.
Sleeping Pill Make one pet faint. Always on sale!
Wall Chicken Give one pet +3 attack and Weak.
Fairy Dust Give one pet the Fairy Dust Perk. Jump to the front space when empty in battle, once.
Health Potion Give one pet the Health Potion Perk. Gain +2 health for each level before battle.
Cherry Give one pet the Cherry Perk. Gain 2 Trumpets on start of battle.
Chocolate Cake Give one pet the Chocolate Cake Perk. Gain +3 experience and faint before attacking.
Broccoli Give one pet -1 attack and +3 health.
Fried Shrimp Give one pet +3 attack and -1 health.
Rice Give one pet the Rice Perk. Sell for +2 gold.

Tier 3 Foods

Name Effect
Garlic Give one pet the Garlic Perk. Take 2 less damage.
Salad Bowl Give two random pets +1 attack and +1 health.
Gingerbread Man Give one pet the Gingerbread Man Perk. Gain +1 Experience before battle.
Easter Egg Give one pet the Easter Egg Perk. Summon one 2/1 Bunny after fainting that attacks for double damage.
Just-Right Porridge Give one pet +3 to their lowest stat.
Fig Give one pet the Fig Perk. Deal 4 damage to the lowest health enemy on start of battle.
Lettuce Give three pets from the current shop tier or higher +1 attack and +1 health.
Avocado Gain +3 gold on the next turn.
Cucumber Give one pet the Cucumber Perk. Gain +1 health at end of turn.
Lollipop Swap Attack and Health of a pet.
Croissant Give one pet the Croissant Perk. Gain +1 attack at end of turn.
Pineapple Give one pet the Pineapple Perk. Ability deals +2 damage.

Tier 4 Foods

Name Effect
Canned Food Give all current and future shop pets +1 attack and +1 health.
Pear Give one pet +2 attack and +2 health.
Magic Beans Give one pet the Magic Beans Perk. Gain Golden Egg next turn.
Banana Give one pet the Banana Perk. Summon one 4/4 Monkey on faint.
Potato Give one pet the Potato Perk. Take 10 less damage from abilities, twice.
Waffle Activate buy ability or give +3 health.
Cheese Give one pet the Cheese Perk. Attack with double damage, once.
Grapes Give one pet the Grapes Perk. Gain +1 gold at the start of every turn.
Pie Give one pet the Pie Perk. Gain +4 attack and +4 health before start of battle.
Salt Give one pet the Salt Perk. Attack lower tier pets for double damage.
Donut Give one pet the Donut Perk. Prioritize this for friendly random abilities.
Fortune Cookie Give one pet the Fortune Cookie Perk. Attack has 50% chance to deal double damage.

Tier 5 Foods

Name Effect
Chili Give one pet the Chili Perk. Attack second enemy for 5 damage. ( )
Chocolate Give one pet Experience.
  • Can also be gained by selling a Crow
( )
Sushi Give three random pets +1 attack and +1 health.
Yggdrasil Fruit Give one pet the Yggdrasil Fruit Perk. Summon two 3/3 3/3 Nordic Goats after fainting.
Mana Potion Give one pet +6 Mana.
Durian Give one pet the Durian Perk. Reduce the most healthy enemy by 33% health before attacking, once.
Onion Give one pet the Onion Perk. Move to the back when in the front, once.
Carrot Give one pet the Carrot Perk. Gain +1 attack and +1 health at end of turn.
Pepper Give one pet the Pepper Perk. Health does not go under 1. Removed after taking damage.
Stew Give three random pets +2 health.
Taco Give three random pets +2 attack.
Lasagna Give one pet +2 attack and +3 health.
Lemon Give one pet the Lemon Perk. Take 7 less damage, twice.
Eggplant Give one pet the Eggplant Perk. Push opposite enemy 1 space forward at the start of battle.

Tier 6 Foods

Name Effect
Melon Give one pet the Melon Perk. Take 20 less damage, once. ( ) ( ) ( )
Mushroom Give one pet the Mushroom Perk. Come back as a 1/1 after fainting.
Pizza Give two random pets +2 attack and +2 health.
Steak Give one pet the Steak Perk. Attack with +20 damage, once.
Konpeito Transform one pet into another pet from one higher tier.
Peach of Immortality Give one pet +1 attack and +1 health for each Peach of Immortality bought this game.
Cornucopia Choose one free tier 6 to stock from all packs.
Pita Bread Give one pet the Pita Bread Perk.. Gain +15 health when hurt, once.
Pretzel Give one pet +2 attack and +2 health. Double if all pets are tier 4 or higher.
Tomato Give one pet the Tomato Perk. Deal 8 damage to the last enemy before attacking, once.
Hot Dog Give two random pets +4 attack.
Orange Give two random pets +4 health.
Popcorn Give one pet the Popcorn Perk. Summon a random pet from the same tier after fainting.
Pancakes Give one pet the Pancakes Perk. Give friends +2 attack and +2 health before start of battle.
Chicken Leg Give one pet +3 attack and +3 health.
Soft Ice Give all pets +1 attack.

No Tier Foods

Name Effect
Bread Crumbs Give one pet +1 attack.
  • Can only be obtained by selling a Pigeon.
( )
Rambutan Gain +3 Mana before attack. ( )
Golden Egg Deal 5 damage before attacking, once. Also sells for +3 Gold. ( )
Milk Can only obtained by buying a Cow.
  • Milk (Level 1 Cow): Give one pet +1 attack and +2 health.
  • Better Milk (Level 2 Cow): Give one pet +2 attack and +4 health.
  • Best Milk (Level 3 Cow): Give one pet +3 attack and +6 health.
( )
Skewer Attack second and third enemy for 3 damage. ( )
Peg Leg Set trophy goal to 12 and summon the achievement hunter's bane!
Coconut Ignore damage once. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Peanut Knockout any pet attacked and hurt by this. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Holy Water Transform one Bad Dog into Good Dog, or give +8 health. ( )