This is a list of Foods sorted by their tier and then by which pack(s) they appear in.
- If a food cannot be purchased directly from the shop, its tier is listed under No Tier.
- If a food as listed as summoned in a pack, it can be acquired, but is generated from a pet, rather than directly from the shop.
- Foods that can only be obtained by a summon have their icon enclosed by ( )
- ex. (
- If a food is listed as in Custom Packs, this means it can only be acquired there or in Weekly packs, and is not part of a paid expansion. All foods that are not listed in No Tier are capable of being added to shop in Custom Packs packs, and same goes for in the Weekly pack - provided the required pets are available.
Keep in mind that the
Pandoras Box Toy is capable of giving all friends (and enemies) any Food Perk from any pack but only Food perks that are capable of having in-battle influence.