
From Super Auto Pets Wiki
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Milk is a Tier 1 Food that can only be obtained through the Cow's ability. Depending on the level of the Cow, it can spawn Milk which gives +1/+2, Better Milk which gives +2/+4, and finally Best Milk which gives +3/+6.



  • The September 29th 2022 test build added a unique interaction when Cow was fed Chocolate, doing so would replace shop food with 2 free Chocolate Milk that gave +2 attack and +1 health. This interaction was removed in the next test build released the very next day.



  • 0.14: Changed the Milk from "Give one pet +2/+2" (did not scale on Cow level up) to "Give one pet +1/+2, +2/+4, +3/+6."