Drink-Me Liquid

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The Drink-Me Liquid is a Tier 4 Food, available in the Unicorn Pack. Feeding a pet Drink-Me Liquid will remove 2 attack from it but give it +5 health.


The Drink-Me Liquid gives the most value when given to a pet that needs to survive to give beneficial effects to others, or a pet that needs something else to happen (e.g. another pet needs to faint) before it can enable its ability. Any "support" or "tanky" pets can benefit with this food (or, as I should say, drink). Examples include Loveland Frogman, Kitsune, and Turkey from the Turtle Pack when used in Custom Packs.


The Drink-Me Liquid is the polar opposite to the Eat-Me Cake. Instead of losing 2 Health for 5 Attack when eaten, the Drink-Me Liquid gives 5 Health and removes 2 Attack.



  • 0.32: Introduced as part of the Unicorn Pack.