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The Grapes is a Tier 4 Food, available in the Star Pack. Feeding a pet Grapes will give that the pet the Grapes perk. A pet with the Grapes perk grants the player 1 Gold at the start of every turn. Multiple Grape perks will work, meaning the player can technically receive up to 5 Gold at the start of the turn - 1 for each team member.

It has the same effect as a level 1 Swan.


The Grapes is best given to Pets that you would intend on keeping for a long time that do not need or benefit from other food items. Due to the scarcity of Pets that fit these conditions, Grapes aren't a super viable held food and most other options are usually better.

Most Pets that give themselves a held food in battle are good targets for Grapes as the effect will still be there at the start of turn despite being overridden in battle. Examples being the Reindeer and Ox which will give themselves melon during battle. Another use the Grapes have is for the Panda, which won't benefit from many other held food items as it dies at the start of battle.

Additionally, pets like Turtle and Snapping Turtle give friendly pets strong held equipment in battle while still earning Gold from the Grapes each turn. Besides that, Grapes can also be treated like any other perk for abilities like Mole and Elephant Seal to trigger.

It also has funny potential with Seagull and Panther.




  • 0.18: The Grapes is added into the game as part of the Star Pack.