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The Coconut is a Tier 6 Food, but isn't normally available in the shop and can only be obtained through abilities. The first time a pet with the Coconut perk takes damage, the damage is reduced to 0.


Blocking all damage makes it a hard counter to Peanut perk, as well as allowing pets to survive high burst of damage regardless of their health. However it's not always better than the more readily available Melon, since Coconut cannot trigger Hurt abilities.

For example: When a 50/50 Gorilla with Coconut goes up against another 50/50 enemy with any defensive food perk, they will knock each other out after 2 hits. However if the Gorilla had had Melon or Garlic instead, it would've knocked the other 50/50 out in 2 hits, but survived and could get a 3rd hit in against the second enemy.

Obtaining Coconut outside battle

Hurting a Gorilla in the shop phase will trigger its ability and give it permanent Coconut. This can be done by Pilling a Hedgehog or Badger.

In order to give permanent Coconut to any pet or potentially the entire team, we'll need to create a Custom pack and follow these steps:

Step 1: Parrot

Goal: At the end of turn, let a Parrot copy Gorilla's ability, then hurt the Parrot to trigger the copied ability and give itself Coconut.

This can be done by putting a Leech behind the Parrot, or with Deer Lord behind a Hedgehog or Badger. Remember that Parrot's copy ability has to go first, so make sure Leech/Deer Lord has lower attack than Parrot.

Step 2: Transfer

Goal: At the end of turn, let the Parrot with Coconut copy a Seagull, faint a Chipmunk or Toucan or Seagull that has Mushroom perk, when that pet respawns, the Parrot will give it Coconut. Once Coconut is on one of these 3 pets, it can easily be copied to other pets on the team.

An example setup would be: Leech, Seagull with Mushroom, Parrot with Coconut, Seagull. The Seagull in front of the Parrot should not have any food perk, or has run out of triggers already.

Now, we need the Leech to knock out the Seagull in front. This can be guaranteed by putting that it at 1 health: by letting it get hurt by the Leech prior to this turn, feeding it Fried Shrimp, or giving it a Mushroom then Sleeping Pill so it will respawn as 1/1. Alternatively, putting Pineapple on the Leech will allow it to knock out a base stats Seagull immediately.

Step 3: Chipmunk

Goal: Stock Coconuts in the shop with Chipmunk. Now we can fully pivot to any pets of our choosing and give them Coconut.

Congratulations! Hopefully that takes less than 20 turns, enjoy the full Coconut team!

Version History

