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The Garlic is a Tier 3 Food, available in the Turtle Pack and the Puppy Pack. Feeding a pet Garlic will give it the Garlic perk. A pet with Garlic perk will take 2 less damage from all sources, although damage can't be reduced below 1.


Garlic is a powerful defensive perk that can dominate early game and will stay useful until the end of the game. On early turns, most pets have low attack and snipes deal very little damage that Garlic essentially reduces all damage taken by half or even third. Dumping stats onto a single pet then giving it Garlic is a strong strategy that has next to no counters until Skunk and Scorpion are available.

Despite falling off in later turns since the damage reduction won't be as substantial, it's still a useful perk even when compared to Melon. Garlic is still a good counter against summon teams, and it's important to consider that a 50/50 pet with Garlic and a 50/50 with Melon will still trade equally and knock each other out after 2 attacks.


