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Toys are items that can benefit you both during battle and in the shop. They are separate from Pets and Food and are placed off to the right of the team during the shop phase and under the right-most friendly pet during battle. Only 1 Toy can be in use at any given time - note that this does NOT apply to Hard Mode Toys and therefore both a friendly Toy and a Hard Mode Toy can be active at the same time.

In the Puppy Pack, Toys can only be obtained through buying certain certain pets (listed below in addition to the Toys). All Toys Pets will provide an option between 1 Toy that activates when it breaks (all Toys break after 2 turns) and 1-2 Toys that activate at the start of battle.

Toys have Tiers just like Pets and will have the same tier as the Pet they're summoned from. Toys with higher tier will have priority over lower tier Toys, e.g., An Air Palm Tree ( Tier 6) will activate before a Foam Sword ( Tier 4) and potentially protect a low health Pet before it takes damage from the Foam Sword. Toys can also be higher level depending on the level of the Pet that they come from. Higher level Toys have better effects, following similar power scaling rules to Pets.

Some Pets will have synergies with the Toys, like the Flying Squirrel, which will resummon Toys after they break. Keep in mind that these Pets only work with friendly Toys and will not interact with Hard Mode Toys in any way. See Toy Pets for a full list of Pets that summon and synergise with friendly Toys.

The Unicorn Pack is also home to Pets with Toy summoning abilities, these pets have different triggers for summoning their toys and don't follow many rules as to how many toys summoned or what their effects are. These Toy Pets are a lot less reliant on synergy and often have differing levels of usefulness or drawbacks - use with caution!

Tier 1 Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Balloon 1 Break → Give +1 attack and +1 health to the right-most friend. Ferret on buy.
2 Break → Give +2 attack and +2 health to the right-most friend.
3 Break → Give +3 attack and +3 health to the right-most friend.
Tennis Ball 1 Start of battle → Deal 1 damage to two random enemies. Ferret on buy.
2 Start of battle → Deal 2 damage to two random enemies.
3 Start of battle → Deal 3 damage to two random enemies.

Tier 2 Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Radio 1 Break → Give +1 health to all friends. Lemur on buy.
2 Break → Give +2 health to all friends.
3 Break → Give +3 health to all friends.
Garlic Press 1 Start of battle → Give the right-most friend Garlic Perk. Lemur on buy.
2 Start of battle → Give the two right-most friends Garlic Perk.
3 Start of battle → Give the three right-most friends Garlic Perk.

Tier 3 Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Toilet Paper 1 Start of battle → Make the first enemy Weak Puppy on buy.
2 Start of battle → Make the first two enemies Weak
3 Start of battle → Make the first three enemies Weak
Oven Mitts 1 Break → Stock one free Lasagna. Puppy on buy.
2 Break → Stock two free Lasagnas.
3 Break → Stock three free Lasagnas.

Tier 4 Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Melon Helmet 1 Break → Give the right-most friend Melon Perk. Gharial on buy.
2 Break → Give the two right-most friends Melon Perk.
3 Break → Give the three right-most friends Melon Perk.
Foam Sword 1 Start of battle → Deal 6 damage to the weakest enemy. Gharial on buy.
2 Start of battle → Deal 6 damage to the weakest enemy. Triggers 2 times.
3 Start of battle → Deal 6 damage to the weakest enemy. Triggers 3 times.
Toy Gun 1 Start of battle → Deal 6 damage to the last enemy. Gharial on buy.
2 Start of battle → Deal 6 damage to the last enemy. Triggers 2 times.
3 Start of battle → Deal 6 damage to the last enemy. Triggers 3 times.

Tier 5 Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Flashlight 1 Break → Give +6 attack and +6 health to the right-most friend. Sting Ray on buy.
2 Break → Give +12 attack and +12 health to the right-most friend.
3 Break → Give +18 attack and +18 health to the right-most friend.
Stinky Sock 1 Start of battle → Reduce the highest health enemy by 40% health. Sting Ray on buy.
2 Start of battle → Reduce the two highest health enemies by 40% health.
3 Start of battle → Reduce the three highest health enemies by 40% health.

Tier 6 Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Television 1 Break → Give +2 attack and +2 health to all friends. Mongoose on buy.
2 Break → Give +4 attack and +4 health to all friends.
3 Break → Give +6 attack and +6 health to all friends.
Peanut Jar 1 Start of battle → Give the right-most friend Peanut Perk. Mongoose on buy.
2 Start of battle → Give the two right-most friends Peanut Perk.
3 Start of battle → Give the three right-most friends Peanut Perk.
Air Palm Tree 1 Start of battle → Give the right-most friend Coconut Perk. Mongoose on buy.
2 Start of battle → Give the two right-most friends Coconut Perk.
3 Start of battle → Give the three right-most friends Coconut Perk.

Witch Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Witch Broom 1 Start of battle → Make 1 random perk-less enemy weak. Cuddle Toad on sell.
2 Start of battle → Make 2 random perk-less enemies weak.
3 Start of battle → Make 3 random perk-less enemies weak.
Magic Wand 1 Start of battle → Give 1 random friend +1 experience. Cuddle Toad on sell.
2 Start of battle → Give 1 random friend +2 experience.
3 Start of battle → Give 1 random friend +3 experience.
Crystal Ball 1 Start of battle → Give the front-most friend +1 mana. Cuddle Toad on sell.
2 Start of battle → Give the front-most friend +2 mana.
3 Start of battle → Give the front-most friend +3 mana.

Adventurous Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Magic Carpet 1 Friend Summoned → Give it +1 attack. Sphinx on buy.
2 Friend Summoned → Give it +2 attack.
3 Friend Summoned → Give it +3 attack.
Magic Lamp 1 Friendly Level-up → Give it +1 attack and +1 health. Sphinx on buy.
2 Friendly Level-up → Give it +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Friendly Level-up → Give it +3 attack and +3 health.

Treasure Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Treasure Map 1 Break → Summon a level 1 Treasure Chest. Griffin on sell.
2 Break → Summon a level 2 Treasure Chest.
3 Break → Summon a level 3 Treasure Chest.
Treasure Chest 1 Break → Stock one free Pet from Tier 2 as a 4/4 level 3. Treasure Map Break.
2 Break → Stock one free Pet from Tier 4 as a 8/8 level 3.
3 Break → Stock one free Pet from Tier 6 as a 12/12 level 3.

Wondrous Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Nutcracker 1 All friends fainted → Summon one 6/6 Salmon of Knowledge in battle once. Fairy on buy.
2 All friends fainted → Summon one 12/12 Salmon of Knowledge in battle once.
3 All friends fainted → Summon one 18/18 Salmon of Knowledge in battle once.
Tinder Box 1 Empty front space → Summon one 6/6 Giant Eyes Dog up front in battle once. Fairy on buy.
2 Empty front space → Summon one 12/12 Giant Eyes Dog up front in battle once.
3 Empty front space → Summon one 18/18 Giant Eyes Dog up front in battle once.

Nostalgic Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Candelabra 1 Three friends bought → Give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health. Old Mouse at end of turn.
2 Three friends bought → Give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Three friends bought → Give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Glass Shoes 1 Three friends Faint → Give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health. Old Mouse at end of turn.
2 Three friends Faint → Give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Three friends Faint → Give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Golden Harp 1 Spend 12 gold → Give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health. Old Mouse at end of turn.
2 Spend 12 gold → Give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Spend 12 gold → Give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Lock of Hair 1 Three food bought → Give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health. Old Mouse at end of turn.
2 Three food bought → Give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Three food bought → Give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Magic Mirror 1 Three friends sold → Give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health. Old Mouse at end of turn.
2 Three friends sold → Give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Three friends sold → Give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Pickaxe 1 Roll 7 times → Give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health. Old Mouse at end of turn.
2 Roll 7 times → Give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Roll 7 times → Give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Red Cape 1 Friend jumped → Give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health. Old Mouse at end of turn.
2 Friend jumped → Give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Friend jumped → Give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Rosebud 1 Two friendly level-up → Give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health. Old Mouse at end of turn.
2 Two friendly level-up → Give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
3 Two friendly level-up → Give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.

Toys of Doom and Chaos!

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Pandoras Box 1 Start of battle → Give all pets random perks and Ailments. Bad Dog on buy.
2 Start of battle → Give all pets random perks and Ailments.
3 Start of battle → Give all pets random perks and Ailments.
Evil Book 1 Empty front space → Summon one 6/6 Great One in battle that deals 6 damage to ALL other pets. Bad Dog on buy.
2 Empty front space → Summon one 12/12 Great One in battle that deals 12 damage to ALL other pets.
3 Empty front space → Summon one 18/18 Great One in battle that deals 18 damage to ALL other pets.

King Toys

Name Ability Source
Level Description
Excalibur 1 End turn → Give the back-most friend +1 attack and +1 health (Lasts 30 turns). Questing Beast on sell.
2 End turn → Give the back-most friend +2 attack and +2 health (Lasts 30 turns).
3 End turn → Give the back-most friend +3 attack and +3 health (Lasts 30 turns).
Holy Grail 1 Break → Summon one free Holy Water Questing Beast on sell.
2 Break → Summon two free Holy Waters
3 Break → Summon three free Holy Water