Weekly Pack/Week 63

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This page is an archive of Week 63's Weekly Pack. This pack ran from July 17th, 2023 to July 23rd, 2023.

Tier Pets / Food


After a year long of randomly generated Weekly packs, this was the second curated user submitted pack. It was designed by Twitch streamer and YouTuber Skoottie, known for his "AtoZ" video series where he goes through all pets in the game in alphabetic order and wins with them at level 3, thus unlocking their stickers and ribbons.

His ultimate goal in this pack was to hunt for Sloth's ribbons. He had met many Sloths on his AtoZ journey, but it remained a Normal mode ribbon that he had never achieved.


The pack had a unique structure:

  • Very few scaling methods, with the only reliable scaler being Lioness at tier 6
  • Many pets that can negatively affect both friends and foes
  • Plenty of debuffers and next to no defensive food perks
  • An excess amount of gold generating pets and the inclusion of the P.O.T. combo - a method to get "infinite" gold
  • Catfish, Anglerfish and Waffle, to maximize the chances of copying pets from enemies

This resulted in very weak teams that tended to draw. A game of Super Auto Pets typical ends around turn 12~18, in this Weekly however, players could force draws until they reach absurdly high turns, such as 20s or even 30s.

Sloths were found extremely quickly thanks to POT players, as early as the first few hours of the pack being available. After a few Sloths had been "seeded" into the matchmaking pool, others were able to copy these Sloths for their own. By day 3, the agreed upon "correct" way to play the pack was as follow:

  1. Use Hedgehogs and Microbe to draw until tier 5 and 6
  2. Use Lioness to scale the shop to 50/50
  3. Continue to draw with Hedgehogs or 50/50 Badgers
  4. Once beyond turn 20, teams containing Sloths will start showing up at a frequent rate. Use Catfish and Anglerfish to copy the Sloths
  5. Try to win using Goose, Cuttlefish, Scorpion, Mushroom


Within the first few hours, winning teams consisting of 5 Sloths had already started surfacing. Then came along the flawless, Hard mode, 5 Sloths win. Then 5 Sloths win with 4 of them being at level 3. By the end of the week, feats that were unimaginable in previous versions of the game were broken countless amount of times that they seemed trivial.

Skoottie achieved his goal and got both the Sloth's Normal and Hard mode ribbons.

Another record that was completely busted wide open was the "Longest Run" record. Before this Weekly, reaching beyond turn 30 in Arena was an impressive feat, and there were no known footage of any game that even reached turn 40 without exploiting bugs and glitches. On this Weekly, players were able to go beyond turn 140 by drawing indefinitely against other draw teams, until they inevitably lost against Ghost teams.