Hard Mode Toys

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Not to be confused with Friendly Toys, exclusive to Puppy Pack and Unicorn Pack

Hard Mode Toys are items separate from Pets or Food and act as a "curse" of sorts, making the game harder as part of Hard Mode.

Hard Mode Toys are presented to the player at the start of every odd numbered turn (excluding turn 1), before doing anything else the game will present a menu that provides a choice between 3 random Hard Mode Toys. These Toys will negatively impact your team in some way and can affect gameplay in battle as well as in the shop (and sometimes both). Some Toys only become available on later turns and some will stop being options beyond certain turns as well.

A list of all Hard Mode Toys

Tier 1 Hard Mode Toys

Name Trigger Effect
Action Figure Start of battle Give Coconut perk to the two first enemies.
Boot End turn Deal 50 damage to the front-most friend.
Bowling Ball End turn If you rolled less than 6 times this turn, deal the turn number as damage to friends.
File:Broom Icon.png Broom Start of turn Remove all friends and gain 10 gold + 1 times the turn number.
Cardboard Box Start of turn Sell the two front-most friends.
File:Chocolate Box Icon.png Chocolate Box Start of battle Give +1 experience to friends and +2 experience to enemies.
File:Deck of Cards Icon.png Deck of Cards Friend bought Transform it into ANY random pet from the same tier with new base stats.
Dice Roll Lose 1 gold.
File:Flute Icon.png Flute End turn If you bought less than two tier 1 food this turn, make friends Dazed.
Handkerchief Start of battle Make the two front-most friends Weak.
File:Kite Icon.png Kite Empty front space Remove 20% attack from the back-most friend and make it jump to the front.
File:Lamp Icon.png Lamp Start of battle Remove 20% attack and 20% health from friends.
Paper Shredder Friend summoned Knock it out.
File:Remote Car Icon.png Remote Car Start of battle Give enemies +20% attack and +20% health.
File:Ring Icon.png Ring End turn If you spent less than 13 gold this turn, remove 20% health from friends.
Ring Pyramid Start of battle Knock out friends from the previous tier.
Rubber Duck All enemies fainted Summon one 50/1 enemy Duck. Works 1 time per battle.
File:Scale Icon.png Scale Start of battle Set attack and health of all friends to the turn number.
File:Soccer Ball Icon.png Soccer Ball Start of battle Knock out friends from the current tier.
File:Sticky Hand Icon.png Sticky Hand Start of battle Make the two back-most friends File:Icky Icon.png Icky.
Stuffed Bear Three friends faint Summon one exact enemy copy of the back-most friend.

Tier 3 Hard Mode Toys

Name Trigger Effect
Toy Mouse Start of battle Transform all friends to level 1.
Scissors End turn Transform front-most friend into another random pet from 2 tiers below.