Sniper Pets

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Sniper pets are pets that can be used together to form sniper teams. These include pets that can deal damage to enemy pets outside of attacking (such as at the start of battle or when an enemy is summoned). There are also pets that can amplify the abilities of them.

Sniper Pet enablers don't necessarily have to be used with Sniper Pets, it's just their most common application.

(This page is missing a lot of snipers, help us out!)

List of Sniper Pets

Start of Battle Snipers Non-Start of Battle Snipers Faint Snipers Sniper Pet enablers Stat Removers
Mosquito Iguana Pied Tamarin Seahorse Goose
Atlantic Puffin Blowfish Hedgehog Donkey Sea Urchin
Dolphin Warg Badger Parrot Calygreyhound
Woodpecker Royal Flycatcher Mothman Wolverine Skunk
Axehandle Hound Rhino Stonefish Tiger Kraken
Hawk Drop Bear Sea Serpent
Lynx Jackalope Hoopoe Bird
Crocodile Vampire Bat Nurse Shark
Sword Fish Octopus Lionfish
Leopard Snake Tatzelwurm
Mantis Shrimp Grizzly Bear Poison Dart Frog
Cobra Vulture
Great One
Tiger Bug