Strawberry Pets

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Strawberry Pets are pets that have their abilities enabled through use of the Strawberry Food perk. Strawberry Pets are generally just another way to scale stats, with some limited start of battle power.

A common strategy for Strawberry Pets is to buy and sell Kiwis onto a singular Strawberry friend during early turns and then to ignore the rest of the Strawberry Pets (maybe using Sleeping Pill or Praying Mantis on a Dove or two) until Velociraptor becomes available. Velociraptor is the main heavy hitter for the Strawberry Pet archetype and most will use it as their only Strawberry Pet.

Shoebill also sees somewhat frequent use as a powerful team wide scaler, assuming the required Strawberries can be found.

They are a smaller subset of Food Perk Pets and have basic synergy with some pets of that archetype.

List of Strawberry Pets

Strawberry scalers Strawberry battlers Strawberry givers
Kiwi Atlantic Puffin Hummingbird
Dove Velociraptor Pheasant
Cassowary Pelican
Shoebill Sparrow