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The following is a list of terms used in game and what they mean. This page is intended for new players.

Ability triggers

Ability triggers indicate what causes an ability to be triggered. Take the Turtle's ability:

"Faint: Give friend behind Melon Armor."

This means that when the condition for the Faint trigger (i.e. the turtle faints) is met, then the Turtle's ability (giving the friend behind it Melon Armor) will activate.

Unless specified otherwise, the effects of abilities are permanent. There are, however, two exceptions:

  • Nothing that happens in battle is permanent. Otherwise, you'd have to buy a new team every time you lose!
  • Abilities that buff the shop only affect the shop's current inventory, unless specified otherwise.


Triggers when the pet is bought from the shop and placed. It doesn't matter where the pet is placed; if the bought pet is placed on a pet of the same type and they merge, the ability will still activate.

Buy food

Triggers when any Food is bought from the shop, regardless of whether it feeds this pet. Buying a Cow's Milk triggers this ability, despite being free.

Buy tier 1 pet

Triggers when any tier 1 pet is bought from the shop and placed. It doesn't matter where the pet is placed; if the bought pet is placed on a pet of the same type and they merge, the ability will still activate.

Eat shop food

Triggers when the pet eats any type of Food. Bought foods which are not used to feed this pet will not trigger its ability.

End turn

Triggers when the "End turn" button is clicked, but before the battle begins.


Ability triggers when a pet faints, in or out of battle. This will happen if its health drops to 0, or if it is fed a Sleeping Pill.

Friend bought

Ability triggers when a friend is bought. Does not trigger when a pet is bought from the shop onto this one.

Friend faints

Ability triggers when one of its friends faints.

Friend summoned

Ability triggers when a friend is summoned, by any means. Can be triggered by pets summoning other pets with their ability, or when a pet is bought from the shop and placed in an empty slot.


Ability triggers when this pet causes another pet to faint, by any means.


Triggers when this pet levels up.


Ability triggers when the pet is sold.

Start of battle

Ability triggers at the start of every battle. Abilities trigger in attack order: the pet with the most attack goes first, then the second most, etc.

Start of turn

Ability triggers at the start of every turn, when the player first enters the shop.