User:Yo1234455/Fan-Made animals

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Below are some Fan Made animals. The icons ahead of the name are the packs they are available in. (White Tiger-iconed Pets are available in Custom Packs exclusively.)

Explanation of Fan Made animals

Crane (1/5) Turtle.png

Crane is a Tier 6 Pet. When the player rolls the shop, it gives two random friends +1 Attack.png and Health.png +1 per tier 6 Pets in the shop up to 1/2/3 except frozen Pets.

Ability Display

Level 1: Roll: Give two random friends +1 Attack.png and +1 Health.png per Tier 6 Pet up to 1. Except frozen Pets.
Level 2: Roll: Give two random friends +1 Attack.png and +1 Health.png per Tier 6 Pet up to 2. Except frozen Pets.
Level 3: Roll: Give two random friends +1 Attack.png and +1 Health.png per Tier 6 Pet up to 3. Except frozen Pets.

Jay (3/16) WhiteTiger.png

Jay is a Tier 6 Pet. Before the Jay faints, it gives 1/2/3 random friends Egg Shell that reduces incoming damage by 20 twice per battle, instead of the usual once.

Ability Display

Level 1: Before Faint: Give 1 random friend(s) Egg Shell.
Level 2: Before Faint: Give 2 random friend(s) Egg Shell.
Level 3: Before Faint: Give 3 random friend(s) Egg Shell.

Falcon (6/7) Starfish.png

Falcon is a Tier 4 Pet. Every time before its friends attack, it deals 3/6/9 damage to the current enemy target according to the level under limited triggers.

Ability Display

Level 1: Before friend attack: Deal 3 damage to the current enemy target. Works 3 time(s) per turn.
Level 2: Before friend attack: Deal 6 damage to the current enemy target. Works 3 time(s) per turn.
Level 3: Before friend attack: Deal 9 damage to the current enemy target. Works 3 time(s) per turn.

Viperfish (2/5) Turtle.png Puppy.png

Viperfish is a Tier 3 Pet. When bought, it gains (+1/+2)/(+2/+4)/(+3/+6).

Ability Display

Level 1: Buy: Gain +2 Attack.png and +1 Health.png.
Level 2: Buy: Gain +4 Attack.png and +2 Health.png.
Level 3: Buy: Gain +6 Attack.png and +3 Health.png.

Snakefly (3/3) WhiteTiger.png

Snakefly is a Tier 3 Pet. When the Snakefly is either bought or sold, it gives all current and future shop pets (+1/+1)/(+2/+2)/(+3/+3).

Ability Display

Level 1: Buy & Sell: Give all current and future shop pets +1 Attack.png and +1 Health.png.
Level 2: Buy & Sell: Give all current and future shop pets +2 Attack.png and +2 Health.png.
Level 3: Buy & Sell: Give all current and future shop pets +3 Attack.png and +3 Health.png.

Paraechinus (7/2) Puppy.png

Paraechinus is a Tier 4 Pet. When fainting, it deals 1 damage to all it friends. Repeat 2/4/6 times.

Ability Display

Level 1: Faint: Deal 1 damage to all friends. Repeat 2 times.
Level 2: Faint: Deal 1 damage to all friends. Repeat 4 times.
Level 3: Faint: Deal 1 damage to all friends. Repeat 6 times.

Hornet (6/6) Turtle.png Starfish.png

Hornet is a Tier 5 Pet. At level 2/3, it knocks out the friend ahead at end of turn and give all other friends (+1/+2)/(+2/+4). At level 1, it does not have any abilities.

Ability Display

Level 1: Level-up: Gain a new ability.
Level 2: End turn: Knock-out friend ahead and give all friends +1 Attack.png and +2 Health.png.
Level 3: End turn: Knock-out friend ahead and give all friends +2 Attack.png and +4 Health.png.

Gazelle (5/6) Turtle.png Puppy.png Starfish.png

Gazelle is a Tier 6 Pet. When the gazelle is sold, it replaces shop food with 1 Coconut which blocks all damage once. It does not upgrade when leveled up.

Ability Display

Level 1: Sell: Replace shop food with 1 Coconut that negates all damage once.
Level 2: Sell: Replace shop food with 1 Coconut that negates all damage once.
Level 3: Sell: Replace shop food with 1 Coconut that negates all damage once.

Lyrebird (4/7) Puppy.png

Lyrebird is a Tier 4 Pet. When a friendly pet faints, it summons a random level 1/2/3 Pet with hurt ability in any pack. Works 2 time(s) per turn.

Ability Display

Level 1: Friend faints: Summon a Level 1 Pet with Hurt ability in any pack in its place. Works 2 time(s).
Level 2: Friend faints: Summon a Level 2 Pet with Hurt ability in any pack in its place. Works 2 time(s).
Level 3: Friend faints: Summon a Level 3 Pet with Hurt ability in any pack in its place. Works 2 time(s).

Ability Display

Level 1: End turn: Give all friends +2 Attack.png and +1 Health.png if there are 4 or less Pets.
Level 2: End turn: Give all friends +4 Attack.png and +2 Health.png if there are 4 or less Pets.
Level 3: End turn: Give all friends +6 Attack.png and +3 Health.png if there are 4 or less Pets.

Squid (3/4) Turtle.png Starfish.png

Squid is a Tier 5 Pet whose ability triggers before a friend attacks, giving a trigger to the pre-attacking friend (under Squid’s ability triggers) for its ability regardless the triggers remaining of the friendly pet, as if they were level 1.

Ability Display

Level 1: Before friend attack: Trigger its ability as if they were level 1. Works 2 time(s) per turn.
Level 2: Before friend attack: Trigger its ability as if they were level 1. Works 4 time(s) per turn.
Level 3: Before friend attack: Trigger its ability as if they were level 1. Works 6 time(s) per turn.

Allosaurus (7/7) WhiteTiger.png

Allosaurus is a Tier 6 Pet whose abilitiy triggers during the start of battle. It deals damage to all enemy pets for every level 3 friendly pet under the limit. It does not stack together with other Allosaurus.

Ability Display

Level 1: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to all enemy pets per level 3 friend up to 1.
Level 2: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to all enemy pets per level 3 friend up to 2.
Level 3: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to all enemy pets per level 3 friend up to 3.

Hog (2/6) Starfish.png

Hog is a Tier 3 Pet whose ability trigger at start of turn. It save up gold and release all of them when sold. Leveling up the Hog won't reset the gold count.

Ability Display

Level 1: Start of turn: Save 2 gold each turn and release them when sold.
Level 2: Start of turn: Save 4 gold each turn and release them when sold.
Level 3: Start of turn: Save 6 gold each turn and release them when sold.

Pterodactyl (7/7) Turtle.png Puppy.png

Pterodactyl is a Tier 6 Pet. Whenever it eats shop food, it gives a hefty buff to the left-most shop pet under limited trigger.

Ability Display

Level 1: Eat shop food: Give the left-most shop pet +2 Attack.png and +2 Health.png. Works 3 time(s) per turn.
Level 2: Eat shop food: Give the left-most shop pet +4 Attack.png and +4 Health.png. Works 3 time(s) per turn.
Level 3: Eat shop food: Give the left-most shop pet +6 Attack.png and +6 Health.png. Works 3 time(s) per turn.